Local Seminars Near You This Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring has sprung success around the country! Every day we hear of new success stories and changed lives. Don’t miss the train – get involved with the most successful members of the business! One of the greatest assets of being an UnFranchise® Business owner is the surplus of experience and information available.

Seminars hosted by successful UnFranchise® Business owners are a great outlet for gaining new perspectives and problem solving tactics. Don’t miss out on these opportunities that may be near you over this weekend to gain insight on building your UnFranchise®!

Saturday, March 16:

Rochester, New York
Hosted by Carl Ecklund. Featured speakers: Shannon Goodberry

Markham, New York
Hosted by Kewen Zhu. Featured speaker: Amber Yang

Bellevue, Washington
Hosted by Sandra J. S. Moore. Featured Speakers: Cheyn Crangle


What points do you want to hear the speakers address this weekend?

