Local Seminars Near You This Weekend: June 6th – June 8th, 2014

One of the greatest assets of being an UnFranchise® Business owner is the surplus of information available to you. Seminars hosted by successful UnFranchise® Business owners are a great outlet for gaining new perspectives and problem solving tactics. Don’t miss out on these opportunities that may be near you over the weekend to gain insight on building your UnFranchise®!

Saturday June 7th, 2014

New York, NY

Speakers: Doug and Lisa Auclair

Fishkill, NY

Speaker: Karen Marino

Cicero, NY

Speaker: Kevin Buckman

Worthington, OH

Speaker: Cheyn Crangle

Charlotte, NC

Speakers: Jodi Easton & Carl Eklund

Clearwater, FL

Speakers: Jim and Lisa Winkler


*Things are always changing, so if we missed a local seminar happening near you, let us know by sharing the event details in the comment section below!

If one of these events is being held near you, contact your local NMTSS for information on how to sign up to attend. We’d love to share your photos from the weekend on our social media channels, so be sure to share them with us! And if you’re on Instagram- add the hashtag #MAevents!
