ma Events – A Look Back at the Month of June

What an awesome month of June! With so many events going on, it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Let’s take a look back at what went on during the month of June.

Chinese Boot Camp:
Everyone was a winner at Chinese Boot Camp this year in sunny Las Vegas! The speakers were dynamic and the energy of the crowd was explosive. I can’t wait until next year to do it all over again.

Moving Up Seminar:
Talk about some great positive energy, that’s what you felt the moment you stepped on board during one of the three Moving Up Seminars in June. The speakers and attendees were in perfect harmony while exploring the infinite possibilities when it comes to growing your business. And just imagine all this, while on board a luxury yacht!

nutraMetrix Consultant Training:
Wait, there’s more! We also had two nutraMetrix Consultant Trainings in one month!
As you can see, we are busier than ever, and the biggest event of all is right around the corner!

So whether you joined us for Chinese Boot Camp for the first time or are a veteran who attends all of the nutraMetrix trainings and still learns something new each time, thank you for making all of our events such a success! With the 2009 International Convention right around the corner, July and August are sure to be busy months!
