Magic Moment testimonials with Market America

The 2011 Market America World Conference marked a magic moment in Market America’s brief history – the lightbulb finally went off for a number of UnFranchise® owners (and at the right time).  This was our best world conference ever (just watch the video).  We’ve received a number of testimonials from current UnFranchise owners that attended and have begun to take action in preparation for business growth as they work towards International Convention. Take a moment to read a few of the testimonials that we received.

That is a magic moment (message) and know i have been home for 3 days but so on fire with new people who just got it….People who are not renewing would just have another excuse…I do not have time to listen or feel sorry for people who complain when gold is sitting right in front of them.  Who said life is not hard or challenging….I just wanted to share something between us…I walked to the convention everyday and walked home every night….Have to have my exercise. I saw a gal outside the arena the first morning  who said what is going on here.? I said something that you need to attend..She said what is it? …I said it Market America …She said oh that is that Loren company…..She is that rich woman down here….I said she and her husband deserve every dime…They started in a garage with nothing but an incredible business concept that i am so lucky somewhere shared  it with me 17 years ago….She said are you doing okay…..I said go up and see if you can get a ticket and experience it for yourself……The next day i saw her walking into the event…..Never got her name but know her life was changed….so again, thank you for another event that i have no idea how many months you took to but this together….Saturday was incredible…….


Wow what a wonderful and amazing event !! This world we brought 520 people and 2/3 are new ! They purchased 1200+ international convention tickets!! And so far we had done more than 20 Paid to Shop (PTS) for them to invite their friends and there’s another 50 prospects that also came to evaluate the opportunity.  Most of the distributors now realize the importance of building from event to event. Thank you for all of the great training/information.


I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart!  This event was so moving and that billionth of a volt went through me!  I am from Chicago and I have worked so HARD to sell tickets and to get a record number of people to this event.  Once the storm started coming everyone said I would never get out, I would never get there, just give up, it’s not going to work.  Everywhere I went the gym, the store, family, friends, even unfranchise owners said no Aubrey you are crazy!  People started calling me in saying they won’t make it etc.  I felt so bummed and discouraged because 6 mos of work down the drain by getting everyone and all of our new people there.  I rebooked my flight, got my 1 year old and 3 year old to the sitter in the storm  early, my flight got canceled rebooked again for Thursday morning, found out it got canceled and spent 4 hours on the phone again. Willing to drive to Milwaukee anywhere to get there.  I rebooked again and got a flight for later on Thursday and finally made it.  I spent time on the phone getting more people from my team and guests to get new flights and to make it happen.  Some people just threw up their hands and gave up and I kept on fighting through because I KNEW it was so critical to be there, no matter what.  We made it and I was so happy to be there and had 7 new people and 10 old there who fought to get there. Not what I sold or planned to do but it was better than nothing. Regardless of the circumstance or fighting so hard through the negativity anything is possible. I was so moved the last day and I felt it was a sign to me when I was watching the convention video that the time is now to take action and to make it happen.  Anything is possible!  I am ready to jump pin levels and to lead the way!  Thanks for all that you do!  “Because baby you are a firework! Come and show your worth!”


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