MAIC 2012: An Insider Look From an Outsider’s Point of View

The social media team begins the planning process for #MAIC2012.

As the newest member of the social media bunch over here at Market America, I’m still pretty green. I haven’t been to a conference or convention yet; I’ve only just heard The Plan, and I actually haven’t even met Loren or JR yet (see you in August?). Since this whole International Convention business is completely new to me, the social media team thought I would offer the most interesting perspective as we launch full-on into #MAIC2012!


From now through the end of the convention, I’ll be offering my observations and general take on things, as seen through the eyes of someone behind the scenes for the first time.

Today, the social media team met to start our “plan of attack” for the convention. It was interesting to hear their take on what worked (and what didn’t work) last year from a social media aspect. We talked about what kinds of breakout sessions our UFOs might be interested in attending (more on that later!). It’s going to be very exciting to live-blog and tweet throughout the events, and interact with all of our distributors in real-time via social media AND in person!

From what I’ve been hearing, International Conference is a pretty big deal. In fact, it seems almost every person here is telling me “You just have to experience it firsthand, it really can’t be explained.” Well, I’m still having trouble picturing it, but I’m really looking forward to being there, seeing our distributors, seeing Loren and JR in action, and really feeling the vibe of what the company is all about.

Look for more Insider Looks from an Outsider coming up on the blog, and keep up with me as events unfold on twitter @danadillehunt!
