MAIC Flashback Post: 1994 2nd Annual Convention

If you’ve attended one of Market America’s International Conventions in recent years you’ve no doubt seen the elaborate staging, firework displays and amazing performances. And don’t forget the tradeshow—all your favorite products and Partner Stores in one place. While each year gets bigger, better, faster and easier, 1994 proved to be a defining point for International Convention –  the year of our very the first Market America Tradeshow.

There were also several other ma milestones that year in Tysons Corner— all of which have become staples to the UnFranchise® Business. Market America expanded outside the United States for the first time, moving north of the border into Canada. Year Two also saw the implementation of National Meeting, Training and Seminar System (NMTSS), and the unveiling of the “The Sky’s the Limit” prospecting video.

Two years after opening, it was clear that Market America was here to stay, and that JR Ridinger had created something with obvious staying power. Now, 18 years later, the momentum endures, international expansion continues and the spirit of Market America is felt by all who pursue it.
