ma Blitz Tour recap – Dallas, Texas

2011 Market America Blitz Tour - Dallas, Texas

The first leg of the 2011 ma® Blitz Tour is complete! A packed house came to Dallas, Texas, to hear President and CEO of Market America – JR Ridinger, speak to current UnFranchise® owners and prospects on the importance of building and growing their business. Kevin Buckman followed up with helping teach the importance of closing prospects and how when combined, it can have a synergistic effect.

To view photo from the Dallas, Texas leg of the 2011 ma Blitz Tour, click here. Up next — tonight in Phoenix, Arizona.

Note: If you are interested in taking your business to the next level, take a moment to view the entire ten city ma Blitz Tour.

If you are interested in learning more about Market America, connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
