Market America Launches Blog

Market America is proud to announce that a new blog is launched. The “soft launch” date will be Thursday January 24th of 2008. This blog will be talking about everything Market America related. There will be several authors, but one goal: to make communications easier and more informal from corporate to distributors and the general public.

This blog will NOT replace our current PR – both Press Release and Public Relations. It will be a part of Market America’s public relations to the general public and it will mention different press releases, but it will NOT replace anything we currently are doing. However, it WILL enhance communications among different groups to help Market America become a better company catering to distributors’ and users’ wants and needs.

Special thanks:
–Upper management for the support for this project
–Project management director for overseeing the project, both project and tech points of view
–Project manager for pushing this through
–Technical people that worked on this for implementation of the blog
–Future authors for keeping this blog alive
–Future comment submitters for giving corporate an insight on the wants and needs of distributors, customers, and users of the site
–Myself for being awesome. 🙂 j/k

We currently have a few blog posts in mind. Open Poll: what does everyone want to see more of posts about? News about the company? Special deals on products? References to press release? Recap of events? New products offered? Anything else?
