MAWC2012 Update: Awards & Rewards: The Symbols of Success

Jerry Siciliano Awards Presentation

“Market America was fortunate to have Jerry in the best years of his life. Everything he’d acquired he poured back into the company, knowing this was his legacy and his gift to his friends and family. He was and always will be the heart of Market America.”—Marty Weissman

The always-moving presentation of the Jerry Siciliano Award by Marty Weissman and Loren Ridinger honors the memory of a seminal figure in the Market America’s history, and is given to the person who best embodies the spirit of the Fighting Eagle. Winner Joanne Hsi spoke movingly about her experience coming to the United States with no language skills or job prospects, and making a prosperous career out of her work with Market America. She quoted her son saying to his friends something that exemplified her drive: “My mom may not speak English, but she knows how to make money!”

Upper Pin Level Recognition

The awards presentations continued with Steve Ashley and Joe Bolyard, who also awarded Joanne Hsi the title of International Field Vice President. Jan Barbera, Cynthia Carpine, Su-Min Goh, and Wan Rong Yuan were inducted into the Million Dollar Club, sharing their thoughts on what brought them to their level of success. “There must be action in your organization, meeting, training, and there must be sacrifice of your time, said Su-Min Goh. “See you at the top!”

New Field Vice President Stacy Tung, whose huge crowd of supporters from Market Taiwan have cheered her on all weekend, told her story of going from a preschool teacher with no business experience to her current position thanks to focusing on four things: “Concentrate on UFO, do the Challenges, come to convention, and do the IBV requirement—it’s worth more than you can imagine.” She also spoke movingly of her team, 90% of which she said were members of Generation Y: “We have youth, we have time, we have effort, but most importantly, we have dreams,” she said movingly, and the crowd rewarded her with a standing ovation.

New International Field Chairman Elizabeth Weber wrapped up the ceremony with a speech that illustrated the energy and drive that’s brought her this far. “Commitment is key!” she noted, “You have the right company, you have the right vehicle, and you just have to hang on.” Upon reaching this level of success, she said she’s found its biggest reward is time: giving her time to enjoy the present, and the security that in the future, her family will be supported by her work. “You have the power to change your life!” she reminded a cheering crowd, and she stood proudly as the proof of Market America’s success.
