MAWC2012 Update: Curing Healthcare with Market America and nutraMetrix

As many of you know, the medical field is in dire straits. Because of major changes in healthcare, such as lower insurance reimbursement and increased drug costs – doctors are finding it increasingly difficult to operate their businesses. Doctors have to spend less time with patients, while at the same time their practice revenue stream is decreasing. To be sure, the system is changing. Doctors are facing a tremendous battle, but they have a strong ally in Market America and nutraMetrix ®.

We had the chance to hear the stories of Dr. Perry Krichmar, Dr. Steven Schnur, Stan Pierce, DC; and Kasia Kines, MS CNS LDN – who each found nutraMetrix and Market America to be just the shot in the arm their businesses needed.

Doctors are seeking out new ways to help their patients, as well as their practices – so it’s no surprise that more and more doctors are turning to nutraMetrix to help fill the gap. Not only do nutraMetrix products help their patients, but it also helps generate a continuous revenue stream for their business. nutraMetrix helps practitioners provide their patients with exactly what they want: HEALTHCARE!!!

Doctors who were once struggling are now finding it possible to maintain their financial independence with Market America and nutraMetrix – which ultimately allows them to provide better care for their patients.

Healthcare in this country may be sick – but Market America and nutraMetrix is the cure! Together we can change the medical field, and change lives in the process. 
