MAWC2012 Update: Going Global in 2012

When Market America landed in Australia 10 years ago, growth was small but steady, and somewhat limited by the distance and lack of contact. When we arrived in Taiwan, thanks to Chinese distributors in the US and Canada who’d already gotten family and friends back home interested in our products, we experienced amazing growth—with Directors and Executive Directors (and their first Field Vice President just recently!) on teams that are approaching $100 million in annual production.

When word spread to Hong Kong, spread by distributors who’d encountered it in Taiwan, the leadership started to evolve, and within a short time there were a lot of up and coming directors. Market America’s model clearly works overseas, and this year will bring some big changes in our international opportunities!


The UK’s logistics, lack of language barrier, amazing entrepreneurial spirit, and existing internet-savvy population (#4 in online shopping with 76% participation throughout the country) is poised for ma/SHOP.COM and what we’re providing. The internet portal is up and running, as is the Cashback program, and distributors can travel easily internationally…but how?

Dennis Franks and Joe Bolyard outlined the sales strategy for UnFranchise® Owners seeking to move into the UK, including pitches, scripts, and strategies to get these businesses up and running. As Dennis put it, “Once these UK businesses are up, we start to rock—I plan on having tea with the Queen!” There will be higher Cashback offered initially to help grease the wheels and get the market going, and Global UnFranchise owners who get in early will benefit the most from increased volume. The official UK launch date is March 1, 2012, and the option to become a Global UFO in the UK will be available in the back office system on Tuesday—attend the breakout tonight at 9pm to learn about jumping across the pond!


With a burst of mariachi music and some serious cheering from the crowd, we announced that we’re on the move throughout North America to Mexico! Similar to the expansion into Taiwan, this next step is bolstered by the 50 million Hispanics living in the US—of that population 66% are Mexican-American, said Joe.

While that population is concentrated mainly in border states, this opportunity is available all over the country because Mexico, Canada, and the US will be ONE BV, ONE IBV, ONE MPCP: the expansion will happen as Market America. It’s simply a bigger population to grow your UnFranchise, easier online shopping, faster North American growth, and great opportunities. No matter where your team is, anywhere in North America is the same structure. Mexico will be opening in the 2nd quarter of 2012—attend the breakout Saturday at 8PM to learn about going south of the border!
