MAWC2012 Update: Powered by People!

The Market America events are all about group spirit, but that includes some very moving individual stories – and we had the opportunity to hear a very moving individual story tonight. Joanne Hsi, International Field President, introduced one of her mentees, breakout star and newly minted Field Vice President Stacy Tung from Market Taiwan.

Since her first convention in 2007, Stacy’s been paying the full cost to come on her team’s behalf, in order to save them money. But eventually, she says, “it was harder for me to communicate with my leaders as time went on. The belief is totally different after being here—I know they love this business and I love them, I want to be successful with them. So one night, I cracked. I made a long-distance call to my mentor, and she told me to bring all of them here to see what I see and feel what I feel.”

After that phone call, Stacy summoned the best of her sales skills, and in 2009 brought 14 people with her from Taiwan for the first time. “We learned together, screamed together, laughed together and finally we bought tickets together,” she said. Stacy’s team brought 92 people in 2011, and 211 people in 2012. Despite the $4,000 USD cost to be here, she says, it’s more than worth it. “We learn from here, we learn to believe here, and we bring more and more people to come back here, then we go back and sell together. We save the money to invest in our business, our brand, our soul—the true spirit of Market America.”
