Meet The 2013 Employees of the Year!

Everyone had a great time at the corporate holiday party last month! The food, games and end-of-the-year speeches from Executives like Marc Ashley and Anthony Akers made for such an entertaining night! What was even more exciting was that not just one, but TWO corporate employees earned the title of Employee of the Year for 2013! This week, we sat down with the newest “Employees of the Year,” Chad Sullivan and Eddy Alberty, to get to know them a little better! Read on to meet your 2013 Employees of the Year!

Employees of the Year, Eddie Alberty and Chad Sullivan, pictured at the Market America Holiday Party with Chief Operating Officer, Marc Ashley.

1. First off, a huge congrats on winning Employee of the Year! Tell us a little bit about yourself and your role with the company!  

Chad Sullivan: “I have been with Market America since June 1996 and my primary role here is managing all worldwide warehousing, distribution and logistics. I am happily married (15 years) with a fantastic 12 year old son.”

Eddie Alberty: “I am an ex-professional racquetball player turned entrepreneur. I grew up knowing the owners and the company. I used to drive Loren and Marc to school every day. NOW they drive ME to school ;). My role within the company is to build and manage the online shopping marketplace for SHOP.COM, powered by Market America. I oversee and manage partner relationships, both affiliate and direct. Business Development and key strategy opportunities are my main roles within the marketplace.”

2. What would be the best piece of “workplace” advice that you could offer someone?

CS: “Always be true to your word and follow through. Market America works as a team and regardless of your job title you have to be willing to go outside the box of your normal job duties to help the company as a whole and be willing to see every project all the way through to completion.”

EA: “To always be upfront and honest, even if it means owning a mistake. It breeds trust and teamwork. Everybody makes mistakes, but it’s how you deal with them that set the winners apart.”

3. Tell us something interesting that no one would suspect about you!

CS: “I am a Young and the Restless addict. My wife got me hooked years ago and now I have to watch it with her when I get home every day. Shh…don’t tell my friends!”

EA: “I played racquetball for a living for many years.”

4. What is your ALL-TIME-Favorite Market America Product?

CS: “That’s a tough question and mine is a bit unorthodox but I think my vote would be the SNAP Dish, I have always loved the smell!”

EA: “OPC-3.”

5. If you could pick ONE Market America International location to live in for a month, which one would you pick and why?

CS: “Hong Kong. It’s my favorite city that I have had the pleasure of visiting and I think it offers the best of a big city while being easy to get around and the people are fantastic. The laser light night shows downtown are something I will never forget.”

EA: “I think London; I’ve never been there but plan to visit this month.”

6. Tell us about your favorite experience at Market America!

CS: “I have many but probably my favorite was our opening in Hong Kong. The city and people were fantastic and seeing the energy of our UFO’s on opening day was amazing!”

EA: “The annual Strategic Planning session with management where we are passionate and committed to the game plan of succeeding.”

7. Now that you have won the prestigious award of Employee of the Year at Market America, what other exciting goals do you have for 2014?

CS: “I am looking forward to continuing our international expansion while improving the services we provide in all of our existing markets. After 17 years I can truly say there is never a dull day at Market America!”

EA: “Continue to achieve individual goals and department goals to help the overall goal and mission of the company’s goals. These include increasing sales with partners and bettering customer experience for SHOP Consultants and their preferred customers.”

Check out the list of other awesome awards that went out for 2013:

Community Service Award—Viki Matthews and Gigi Gains

Commitment and Dependability—Kitty Chabra, Sherry Spesock, and Phillip Manring

Creativity and Innovation—Katie Taylor, Elizabeth Ericksen, Alan Geng, Kaytrell Jones, Lu Huang and Larissa Bowles

Teamwork and Leadership—Charlie Cheung and Brandon Keel

POPs Award—Tonya Morris

We’re so excited for Chad and Eddie and everyone else that took home an award. What an honor! A big thank you goes out to ALL Market America Employees and UnFranchise® Owners. Everyone plays a very important role in the success that Market America saw in 2013 and the goals we have for the year to come!

Are you feeling extra motivated for the New Year? Comment below and share with us what your goals are for 2014!

