MAWC2012 Update: Meeting The Challenge

The group of people onstage was inspiring—more than 30 Challenge winners stood with Steve Ashley and Joe Bolyard celebrating their success and proving that the Market America program is as versatile as the UnFranchise® owners who’ve found such success with us. 8 of the Motives® Challenge winners for 2012 are men, 5 winners won in more than one category, including ma WebCenters, nutraMetrix®, TLS®, Hispanic Leadership, and the President’s Challenge, which brought up nearly 50 winners who’ve been working towards this goal for the past year.

The crowd cheered for their home teams, as new Coordinators at all levels were introduced to the crowd, including 19 new National Supervising Coordinator and 7 Executive Supervising Coordinators. At the highest levels, many distributors got to see their colleagues take the stage, as more than 100 current and new Directors, followed by more than 50 current and new Executive Directors took the stage. They thanked the crowd, their teachers, and their leaders—and the crowd thanked them back!
