Mind and Energy

As the Health and Nutrition store manager, I have the desire to be a product of the product. In my nine months of being a Market America employee, I have tried many of the health and nutrition products we offer. Two in particular that I heard a lot of buzz about around the office were Bliss and Isotonix Acai. So I decided to order them and give them a try. Man! I was amazed at how they made me feel! With International Convention soon approaching, long hours and stress filled my days at the office. I knew I needed something to help deal with the stress and my daily dose of Isotonix Advanced B-Complex just wasn’t enough. When I took two Bliss, it was like nothing could get in my way. I was more relaxed and better able to tackle my job responsibilities. It also helped to boost my mental clarity so that I could focus. Now when I encounter anyone who is stressed out and needs to relax, I tell them to relax, enjoy life, and give your body the gift of Bliss!

I didn’t really know that much about Acai until I came to Market America. I heard the buzz about it, but just passed it off as merely another energy supplement. I have a very active lifestyle that includes daily trips to the gym, daily walks with my dog, and a nine hour workday. I often find myself winding down in the middle of the afternoon and needing that extra boost to get me through the day. I checked out Isotonix Acai and decided to give it a try. Not only did it taste great, but I felt the boost of energy almost instantly. I took some right before I went on a jog with my dog and I think she was tired before I was! I recommend Isotonix Acai to all my friends and family who are looking for that quick energy boost – not to mention all the antioxidant properties that it has. It’s a really great product for everyone – especially those that live an active lifestyle.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
