My Convention 2008 Experience

After reading all the posts from my fellow Market America colleagues, I decided to share my experiences at this year’s Convention. I have been with Market America almost a year now and got a taste of what it’s like when many of the distributors come together to share the excitement at Leadership School in Miami back in February. I was a newbie then and didn’t really know what to expect. I remember having so much fun meeting so many people and hearing the great feedback. I also had the pleasure of working VIP seating and meeting the majority of the members of the Dream Team, Advisory Council and Million Dollar Club. After coming home from Leadership, I learned a lot about Market America and how we are built in product, powered by people. So as soon as we got back, it was time to get ready for Convention. The next six months were totally devoted to preparation for Convention, and we hit the ground running. As August 7th approached, I was ready. The last six months of hard work and devotion to launching new Health and Nutrition products was about to pay off. We were scheduled to be at the coliseum bright and early Thursday morning to get ready for the big show. I was still amazed at the crowds lined up outside and the rush to get in to get the best seat. I worked VIP seating again this year and after working at Leadership school, I was a pro. Many familiar faces from the Advisory Council and Million Dollar Club entered to their special seating and before I knew it, it was time for the show to start. I love seeing Loren’s excitement and how she creates an amazing amount of enthusiasm in the crowd. As the show went on, my friend and coworker Kristie Leigh was due to present on the main stage with Dennis Franks and Lydia Martinez. It was her first time presenting on the main stage and she did so wonderful! She’s a natural! It’s also very exciting to see Marty Weissman and Tanya Smith to present together on new products. As the week went on, it got even more exciting. From Loren and Marc’s announcement about Google to Marty and Tanya’s presentation on the new Might-A-Mins Spectrum products. After setting up for the tradeshow on Saturday, I rushed back to watch JR’s final presentation. All I have to say is WOW…I love that man’s energy and enthusiasm. We all then had the opportunity to go up on the main stage for employee recognition. It felt great to be on the main stage representing Market America in front of 25,000 Distributors. When it was time for the Tradeshow, I was ready. I was scheduled to present on Women’s Health in between talking to many, many Distributors about Family Health. I must have talked to more than 500 or so people. I didn’t lose my voice, but I must say that I was exhausted when it was all over. It was also my first time presenting and I heard a lot of great feedback from the audience. Being the product manager, I love hearing testimonials and feedback on the H&N products. It gives a great sense of pride that my products are doing well in the field and the amount of great stuff that people have to say about them. The Conventions and MA World Conferences will only get better. And I have so much to look forward to!
