Natasha Weston Shares Her Experience from Day 1 of MAIC 2013

This blog post is posted on behalf of Natasha Weston, a contributor to Loren’s World and our special guest blogger for International Convention 2013! Connect with Natasha on her own blog here.

Lights, camera, action! Today I had the amazing opportunity of witnessing one of the world’s biggest events. People from all over gathered here in Greensboro, NC for the Market America International Convention. This event has been one on my priority list since last year, and thanks to Loren I’m here front and center today!

This highly anticipated event kicked off with cheers, fireworks and an amazing and motivating opening speech by Senior Executive Vice President of Market America, Loren Ridinger. Loren came out with her game face on and got the crowd hyped as she discussed some of this week’s excitement to include: new product launches by Motives and the introduction of a new look to the SHOP.COM website. Loren closed her opening speech with hopes of encouraging the auditorium that “Anything is possible.”

Immediately following Loren’s speech, Andrew Weissman and Jim Winkler graced the stage and let us in on a few secrets about “A New Company.” They reiterated the importance of using the 5 basic fundamentals and shared some new discoveries on simplifying the business.

While there were so many amazing moments today, my favorites were hands down the Motives Runway Show and Loren and La La’s Motives presentation! The runway show was introduced by Kim Yow and Maria Checa and showcased looks using some of the new products from the Motives Modern Day Romance collection. Following this short & sweet show, Loren and La La took the stage and told us about the new Motives starter bag and their innovative “IG Project!” The idea of what has become the largest viral project in Motives history came about during a girl’s night sleepover between Loren and La La. Long story short, The IG Project resulted in higher sales and the Motives Instagram profile went from 1,200 followers to 39k+ in 12 days! Talk about a dynamic duo!

There was so much excitement and great energy running through the Greensboro Coliseum today! I left there feeling uplifted, inspired and motivated. If today’s events are any indication of what the rest of this week will be like, I’m in for a treat and so are you!

Thank you to Natasha for sharing her MAIC experience with us today! Be sure to follow along with International Convention on our social media channels for the next several days!
