Natasha Weston Shares Her Experience from Day 2 of MAIC 2013

This blog post is posted on behalf of Natasha Weston, a contributor to Loren’s World and our special guest blogger for International Convention 2013! Connect with Natasha on Instagram here!

My second day at the Market America International Convention was just as great as yesterday! Although today’s event opened up with a dance party and Conquer Entertainment performance, the day was most importantly full of very informative presentations by the CEO of Market America, JR Ridinger, and brothers Marc and Steve Ashley.

The morning began with a presentation on the latest Mobile Technologies. Since we no longer live a life looking people eye to eye, this presentation shined a light on the fact that majority of our lives are right in the palms of our hands, through our cell phones. Market America has become a mobile branded company and now offers UnFranchise Mobile for not only North America, but for Taiwan as well.  Steve Ashley also announced that the mobile site will be available for Hong Kong at the end of October and for Australia and the UK at the end of the year! This is what you call expansion at its best! My favorite part of this entire presentation was the talk about the brand new SHOP.COM mobile site. I’m a huge advocate for an easy to navigate and tech-savvy mobile site, so I’m definitely looking forward to utilizing the unique slide panel feature and getting the full experience of every product!

During the later part of the day, the “man with the plan,” JR Ridinger hit the stage with standing ovation and opened with a major attention grabber, “ I have some news for you…you’re gonna get rich.” The crowd went crazy, but wouldn’t you do the same if you heard these words!? JR’s first speech of the day was about atomic energy and the global unification of MPCP or as he called it, the next level matrix.

While some of the smaller presentations were underway, I took some time to walk the concourse and I was able to visit the Motives and Lumière De Vie booths to try out some of the new products. My absolute favorites are the new fall/winter eye shadow palettes by Loren and La La as well as the Jade Nail Lacquer. When I got to the Lumière De Vie booth, I was amazed at the quality of these products. I’ve tried just about every skin care line under the sun, so to find out that Lumière De Vie is so affordable and now has sample sizes, I was completely sold!

After lunch, Loren Ridinger stepped up to share some of the new Lumière De Vie products with the 25k+ entrepreneurs in attendance. Amber wasn’t able to be here today so Andrew Weissman stepped in to let us know that he knows just as much about skin care as most of us women do! Lumière De Vie launched in February and has become the number one skin care line under the Market America brand. This line started with a 5-piece treatment kit, but has now added 3 new products to the line. The new additions include: A facial cleanser that is excellent for sensitive & acne prone skin, a Toner that contains lactic acid & allantoin, and a kit of sample packets.

Today I was also able to mix and mingle with other entrepreneurs in the building more than ever! I took a scroll around the Coliseum and took photos of some of the unique teams that were assembled here. I even ran into a team that wore some pretty cool “I Love Loren” t-shirts!


Overall, today has been one full of excitement and lots of information and I was there to take it all in!  My day ended in Loren’s dressing room with a small chat. I applaud this woman because she is the true definition of hard work! I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s big day and am very excited about the DNA presentation and JR’s closing speech!

We’re loving having Natasha here with us at MAIC this year. She’s been a great addition to the team! We can’t wait to see what she shares with us about the last full day of the event.

