New Research for Advantra Z®

A new research study has produced yet another ringing endorsement of Advantra Z®, the patented Citrus aurantium (bitter orange) extract for weight management. The study is particularly significant – not simply due to the overwhelmingly positive results – but because these findings came from a staunch critic of performance-enhancing dietary supplements.

The three-arm, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study, “Human Pharmacology of a Performance-Enhancing Dietary Supplement Under Resting and Exercise Conditions,” was published online in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology on March 13, 2008. It was conducted by Christine A. Haller, M.D. – of the University of California, San Francisco – who has been a frequent and outspoken critic of performance-enhancing dietary supplement usage.

The study found that exercise tolerance improved – and was easier 83% of the time – following use of a performance-enhancing dietary supplement containing Advantra Z. No significant adverse events occurred.

This is the second study from Dr. Haller to demonstrate positive results for dietary supplements containing Advantra Z. In “Hemodynamic Effects of Ephedra-Free Weight-Loss Supplements in Humans,” published September 9, 2005 in The American Journal of Medicine, she found that even in eight-fold higher dosages (40 mg synephrine per dose), Advantra Z did not affect blood pressure or cause central nervous stimulation.

Advantra Z’s position as one of the safest and most effective thermogenic ingredients available today is being supported by studies like the two mentioned above!
