Pet care is more than just a supplement

Well, Convention is over – it went by way too fast. Here at corporate there is no rest for the weary, and we are already working on ma World Conference 2009! Time flies and it will be here before we know it.

If you made it to my breakout training at Convention, you will know that I spent quite a bit of time talking about pet food labels and overall nutrition for your pets. I want to emphasize the importance of maintaining your pet’s health. Small, simple steps can save you a ton of money and give you peace of mind knowing that your pets are well cared for. Pet care is more than giving your pet a supplement and calling it a day. There are three simple steps you can take to keep your pet healthy: a good diet, supplementation and exercise.

If you are keeping up with my blogs, I probably sound like a broken record, but these three steps are very important. Obesity is rapidly becoming an epidemic for pets – and it is not because your pets are sneaking into the cookie jar while you are at work. A supplement is not going to magically make everything better; you are actually going to have to work a little. If Fido is putting on a little in the middle, chances are his owner is too.

So let’s talk diet. All animals have different nutritional needs. Some of the factors that affect the absorption of nutrients from food include their age, activity level, environment, breed and genetics. It is really important to keep your pet’s diet in check. If you are already feeding your furry friend a quality pet food, bravo! If you are not, consider making a switch to a healthier, more comprehensive pet food option. I love the Wellness® brand of pet food. There are better options for your pet; you just have to look for them. Check out from the Portal – they offer fantastic savings on Wellness and other great brands, plus everything you order earns 8 percent IBV.

Although high-quality pet food is a good start, often times they lack the full spectrum of nutrients essential for optimal health. The PetHealth Multivitamin Formulas provide a strong micronutrient foundation for your pets. Some of the benefits of a multivitamin include supporting healthy muscle functions, promoting normal energy levels, promoting digestive health, promoting normal growth and repair of body tissues, and supporting a healthy immune system.

Don’t forget exercise. Stretching out in front of the TV does not count. Dust off the leash and take your dog for a walk. It gives them the exercise they need, and it’s great for you too. For your cat’s, get a laser pen – it will help them get some exercise and give you a laugh or two.

It is important to keep your vet in the loop on the steps you are taking to maintain your pet’s health. Make sure you take your pet to the vet on a regular basis.
