Purchase Your Tickets to the Mexico Pre-Launch Event in Mexico City!

Are you ready to join us and expand your business in Mexico? Market America is officially opening Mexico as part of our Market America Business in North America Wednesday, June the 6th!


Mexico will now become part of the United States and Canadian Markets – having one universal BV and IBV for all three countries, supporting one Management Performance Compensation Plan (MPCP).

Loren and I will be in Mexico City along with Dennis Franks and other corporate team members, as well as members of a powerful Mexican leadership team for the big launch from June 8th through 9th! These are truly exciting times for all of our Market America Global Community and Global Unfranchise Owners! This poses an amazing opportunity to tap into a significant market, with more than 44,000,000 Hispanics living in the United States and Canada – and makes it a great opportunity to expand your businesses into Mexico!

Here’s how your business between Mexico and the US works together! It’s all the same plan when you or your organization sponsor or sell products in Mexico, and they in turn sponsor or sell in the US. It all rolls up into the same MPCP plan to qualify you or your group for checks!

On June 6th, Market America will make available on your sign up wizard the opportunity to sign in new Mexican business partners to your business. We will offer a Fast Start Kit with limited product selection based on what has been approved at the time of the opening. The pricing will be different than the United States Fast Start Kit, since certain taxes must be included. Stand by for the official pricing and content information, as we will provide them as soon as they are released.

Our online presence in Mexico can be found at www.mx.shop.com and will feature over 200 online stores, as well as our approved exclusively branded Market America products for Mexico. This is an exciting time and our prelaunch date of June 6th allows your prospects to the lead the parade!

We invite you to take part in our upcoming prelaunch festivities Friday, June 8th and Saturday, June 9th at the beautiful Marquis Reforma Hotel in Mexico City. The UBP on Friday, June 8th is free of charge, and is the perfect opportunity for you to introduce prospects to our amazing business! After the Free UBP on Friday night we’ll follow up with a full day of training on Saturday that you won’t want to miss!

For more information about our Pre-Launch Event in Mexico City and to get your tickets today, CLICK HERE!
