Send us your MAIC Testimonials!

At Market America, we love to receive feedback! Reading through your testimonials from International Convention has been an amazing experience. We’d love to hear from you, so please continue to send in your testimonials to: You might even have your message published, like this one from our Customer Managers of the Year, Michele and Tony Molinaro:

Dear Market America Corporate Team,

We would like to thank you for recognizing our efforts, commitment and dedication to our UnFranchise® customers by naming us “Customer Managers of the Year”. We have been Internet Marketers for over 14 years and at times it can be a lonely place. Market America has changed all of that. We interact with our customers, we follow up with thank you cards and we even meet up with some on Facebook. Our Internet background helps us understand people need help navigating on any website so our patience and knowledge of the site are vital. We admire and respect you for the leverage you give every MA UFO.


Michele and Tony Molinaro
