Special Sunday Night Conference Call

JRLoren_BWYou DO NOT want to miss this ‘LIVE’ National Conference call with President, CEO and Founder, JR Ridinger and Senior Vice President, Loren Ridinger, as they extend their personal and special greetings to you for the holiday season.

Listen ‘LIVE’ as they briefly share how far we have come since the beginning of Market America and, more excitingly, where we are headed with creating a new universe of shopping online, anytime with the UnFranchise® system and SHOP.COM. Conference lines are limited, so be sure to use three-way calling and conference in your organization and their prospects for this special call!

Sunday night — Dec. 18, 2011 at 8:30 p.m. ET (call into the conference number at 8:30 pm ET ‘SHARP’)

1-646-519-5815 pin 1314 #
