Symposium Spotlight: Dr. Peggy Wooten

Dr. PeggyAs one of the Market America’s original distributors, Dr. Peggy Wooten has been a regular at every Product Symposium. As someone who’s seen the Symposium evolve over the years, Dr. Wooten provides a unique perspective of this year’s Product Symposium -particularly in regards to the new format. This year’s Symposium adds a twist – with presentations that explain how to most effectively market and sell our products against the competition. Dr. Wooten had this to say about the Symposium’s new format:

“The Product Symposium in the past, in my opinion, was a lot of heavy-science – with manufacturers presenting information. I did like that part, but I don’t think everyone needed to be there. It could be too much information, and that wasn’t something you could take with you and really do something with. It didn’t explain why the products were unique, nor did it explain the features and benefits of our products – but this time it did.

Yes, this Symposium has been different, significantly different. What I like is the way they’re trying to pick a target market. They’re trying to show people – if you get all the information, but you don’t take any action on it, it does you no good. Pointing out a target market helps distributors find a focus group – and now they’ll want to impart this knowledge on someone else. That’s different about this Symposium, and I think that’s a good change.”

Dr. Wooten thinks that the changes to this year’s Product Symposium would benefit people who are new to the business, in particular.

“I would definitely encourage new people coming into the business to come, because the Product Symposium talks about the products and tells you about the ingredients, cost comparison, and competitor’s products. New people need to know how our products compare to our competition. I think this is one of the most important events that we have for their pocketbook.”

Despite the fact that Dr. Wooten has been with the company almost since its inception, she still recognizes the importance of updating your knowledgebase in regards to the products:

“Having more information on the products, and the features and benefits which make them unique is important. I’ve been in the business for a long time, and I’m already familiar with a lot of the products, and I do market them. It’s an add-on sale, so it will increase my sales and provide another service for existing customers as well. In general, I don’t care how much you know about the products, you can always learn something else – like another selling point.”

The Product Symposium is all about presenting entrepreneurs with the tools and information necessary to help them grow their business and ultimately – make money. Keeping up with the latest trends, products, and science will allow you to take your business to the next level. As Dr. Wooten puts it:

“People get into this business to make money, and the Product Symposium helps them do that.”
