Take Action and Succeed

Market America is about more than top quality, cutting-edge products. The unique UnFranchise® Business System offers the opportunity for entrepreneurial individuals to implement a proven business plan and create lasting success. When Executive Vice President Dennis Franks stepped onto the stage, his energy and enthusiasm for this business were contagious. He shared some of the most powerful ways to grow a successful business with the excited International Convention audience.

Retailing is a fantastic way to share the business opportunity with potential business partners, creating success and financial independence for even more individuals. The ma® University training program is one of the most powerful tools to help Shop Consultants really get to know the products, so they can help consumers find exactly what they need. With additional corporate tools like video clips, social media support, and business-building must-haves, mastering retailing is possible for everyone.

Market America is offering incredible new opportunities to save and experience the quality ma-branded products, but as Dennis said to the audience: “You have to take action!” With the objective of creating success stories for not just individuals, but all entrepreneurs, Dennis’ presentation on retailing to succeed highlighted some of the most important aspects of “being in business for yourself, but not by yourself.” With the resources and training available through Market America, it is easier than ever for entrepreneurs to experience success.
