Teamwork Makes the Dream Work at MAIC2012

*Posted on behalf of COO, Marc Ashley.

Thank you to everyone who attended last week’s International Convention! It takes everyone’s effort as a team to put together such a monumental event and I couldn’t be more proud of the way we worked together for one common goal. Our corporate team and event staff worked hard to ensure that each and every UnFranchise owner had a tremendous experience, and I feel the results speak for themselves.

The belief of our Unfranchise owners who dedicate themselves to building this incredible business was on full display last week in Greensboro at the 2012 International Convention. Their belief has never been stronger and MA and SHOP.COM are on their way to making history.

We have momentum now and each and every one of us has to continue to focus each and every day passionately to build out the mission and goals set out before us. Today is a new day and we will be better as a company today than yesterday.

Keep on doing what you’re doing. Have fun, stay passionate, keep smiling and we will make history! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your passion and commitment. Keep the momentum going and nothing will ever stop us!

Remember, as  JR says: “I believe in you and believe in MA AND SHOP.COM with everything I have.”

-Marc Ashley
