Thank You for Attending #MAIC2012

The past twenty years have been a truly incredible journey for Loren and I. What started out as a humble venture has become a global entrepreneurial powerhouse over the past two decades– but we couldn’t have done this without you. This business is fueled by the hopes, dreams, and passion of our UnFranchise ® owners and Independent Shop Consultants – and without your daily commitment and belief none of this would be possible.

I believe in you, and believe that together we can change the world – by offering people a way out of the 45 year plan and providing them with an incredible, life-changing entrepreneurial opportunity. Market America is and will always be successful because we harness the most powerful form of energy in the world – People Power.

This past week we saw exactly what People Power means, as we celebrated the 20th anniversary of Market America with over 20,000 of the very people who made it all possible – you. Having the opportunity to spend the week with you, growing and learning, has been an extraordinary experience for Loren and I. We hope you left the event with a renewed vigor and positive outlook, and realize that the life you’ve always imagined is within your grasp!

We thank you for traveling to Greensboro to spend time with us, and hope that what you saw and heard this week has inspired you to commit yourself to success. We hope that what you learned will help transform your life and allow you to become financially free! With commitment and belief in yourself, you can break free of the 45 year plan and start making the most of your DASH!

Thank you for celebrating Market America’s 20th anniversary with us at #MAIC2012. We can’t wait to see what the next twenty years has in store for us, and thank you for believing in us as much as we believe in you. Safe Travels, and see you in Miami at #MAWC2013!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger
