Thank You for Attending MAWC 2013

This year’s World Conference in Miami was simply incredible- thousands of entrepreneurs filled American Airlines Arena with an amazing energy as we shared from the stage some of the biggest advancements in Market America’s history! 

None of this would have been possible without your hard work and dedication, so I would like to thank you for committing yourselves to the UnFranchise® business and for making the trip to join us in Miami. Loren and I love seeing you at each and every event and truly appreciate your passion and dedication to being entrepreneurs. Our company is built by product, but it’s powered by people- YOU are in the field making it happen each and every day. YOU give us momentum to achieve new successes every year!

And we’re not slowing down now! Now is the time to work smarter, not harder. Now is the time to stop running the rat race and now is the time to create your own economy. The only place to go from here is right to the top!

Thank you for attending World Conference. Make the most of your DASH for the next 6 months! I look forward to seeing you this August in Greensboro for International Convention!

Keep Growing!

JR Ridinger
