The New Pycnogenol® Benefits

Dr. Steven Lamm did a great job at explaining the new benefits of pycnogenol. Pycnogenol is the leading ingredient in Isotonix OPC-3®, Market America’s best-selling product. It has benefits that support the circulatory system – the body’s master communicator. “The body is an amazing orchestrated system,” explained Dr. Lamm*.

The circulatory system has many jobs; it helps to transport oxygen, transport nutrients and assists in waste management. Dr. Lamm clarified that unlike other systems in the body, you can do something to promote the overall health of your circulatory system; it’s really under your control. The basic principles of circulatory health are simple. Rapid flow is really good for you, as it keeps arteries healthy and clear of potential blockages. Anything that will support healthy circulation is something you want.

OPC-3 poses several benefits when it comes to the circulatory system:

  • Helps maintain healthy circulation by strengthening* capillaries, arteries and veins*
  • Helps supports cardiovascular  health*
  • Supports healthy nitric oxide levels*
  • Supports healthy blood vessel dilation/function*
  • Supports healthy platelet activity*

So, be sure to give your body the care it needs. Remember, you are in control of your circulatory system. Take charge of your health.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
