UnFranchise Owners: How to Spend the Next 6 Months

If you’ve joined us at a major event (or have looked at our social media channels over the last several weeks!) you know that they’re full of product information, networking opportunities, and great strategies and tools to continually improve your business. You simply can’t afford to miss them! We wrote last week about organizing your notes from International Convention, but here’s what you can do over the next 6 months to prepare for World Conference:

Outline Your Goals
Being a good business owner means that you constantly set goals for yourself and work on plans to achieve them. It’s simple, really! In 6 months what do you want to have accomplished? How many new partners will you have signed? What products will you focus on selling?

Take a Challenge
We love meeting President’s Challenge Winners at each major event and we want you to be one of them at the 2014 World Conference! Taking part in a challenge can increase your focus on your business and help to pave your way to success at the same time. It’s also pretty neat to attend the invite-only Challenge Winners reception. 😉 Get information about the next President’s Challenge in your UnFranchise account.

Attend Smaller Events
Make sure that between major events you’re consulting your local NMTSS to learn about opportunities to learn from field leaders right in your hometown or region! Are you in the Northeast region? You have a regional event coming up in November! Have you checked to see who’s speaking at a local seminar over the next few months? When was the last time you attended a regular UnFranchise® Business Presentation? It never hurts to hear about the business from a perspective other than your own.

Share the Plan
This may be a no-brainer, but it’s worth emphasizing. If you don’t show, how do you expect to grow? Before you join us in Miami for World Conference, work on the fundamentals of your business: sharing it with others. If you’re struggling with new and inventive ways to approach potential customers or business partners, reach out to someone else in your organization for tips or ideas.

We’re looking forward to an incredible World Conference next year and hope to see you there! What will you be doing to build your business until we meet again?
