You Can’t Lead the Social Shopping Revolution Without Being Social!

We talk a lot about the Staircase to Success, and just how easy it is to be successful when you commit to accomplishing those daily, weekly, and monthly result-producing activities.

We preach the importance of social media to you at International Convention and World Conference, but there are still some of you who fail to take advantage of all the tools at your disposal.  This is mind boggling!

Market America has a World Class social media team that is here to help you achieve your goals through participation in social networking, but you have to make the effort in order to achieve your goals. Our team has been crunching the numbers, and it seems that only around 7% of our UnFranchised owners are actually FOLLOWING the official Market America and Social Media channels. This should be 100%! All in! How can we be successful as a company if you’re not fully invested in making a commitment to doing the little things?

One of the easiest result-producing activities you can do is to LIKE or FOLLOW our Socials Media accounts on Facebook and Twitter. The MA social media team is one of the best in the industry, and if you are not engaging with them and sharing their messaging then you are missing a golden opportunity to help yourself and your business! This is a no-brainer!

Becoming a fan of the Market America and SHOP.COM Facebook pages only takes a few seconds out of your day, but can make a big difference to all of us. Essentially, the more LIKES we have, the more people we can reach! The more we SHARE the messaging on our Facebook pages, the more people learn about our brand and our products.  This helps determine how many people see our content, which makes a big difference for your UnFranchise business.

Liking our pages on Facebook is like free marketing – and if you haven’t done that yet, you are missing a key step on the staircase to success!

Another great way to help yourself and your business is to FOLLOW our Market America and SHOP.COM Twitter accounts. Following these accounts, and retweeting our messaging is a great way to help spread the world about this remarkable company, which will ultimately lead to new customers and new distributors!

If you want to climb the staircase to success, you have to accomplish those simple, results-producing tasks. None of them take less time or require less effort than following us on Facebook and Twitter, and SHARING our messaging. It takes only a few minutes to make a huge impact on your UnFranchise business!

To help, we’ve made it incredibly easy to follow these pages, just click the buttons below, it’s that easy! 10 seconds, that’s all that’s separating you from taking one more step up the ladder of success. Can you do it?

Click the following buttons to LIKE the Market America and Facebook Pages:


Click the following buttons to FOLLOW the Market America and Twitter Pages:

