Another reason to take your Omega-3s

I read all kinds of health magazines, nutrition websites and even have subscriptions to various health and nutrition newsletters. Through all this information that I read on a daily basis, I came across something that I wanted to share – another reason to take your omega 3s. Not only does it help with cardiovascular health, it also helps boost libido. Here is a little blurb I came across in SHAPE magazine:

For a spicer sex life, skip the champagne and oysters and pile your plate with shrimp, walnuts and leafy greens. “Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids increase the production of dopamine, a brain chemical that enhances pleasure, “says Rebecca Booth, M.D., author of the new book The Venus Week. To heat things up in your bedroom, she recommends getting at least 640 milligrams of omega-3’s a day through supplement and foods such as salmon, sardines and flaxseeds.

Just another good reason to take Omega-3s!
