Checking In: Get Your Beach Body Ready with TLS® Summer Slim Down

Can you believe summer will be here next month? Neither can we!

Since kicking off the 12-week Summer Slim Down on March 29th, we know many of you have been getting your beach body ready with TLS® Weight Loss Solution. We’re checking in today to share answers to a few of our most frequently asked questions regarding the exciting 12-week program!

What is the Summer Slim Down?

The 12-Week Summer Slim Down Challenge is a campaign to encourage healthy habits following the TLS® Weight Loss Solution system. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals in time for summer, whether it’s to lose 10 pounds, 50 pounds, or just tone up.

How can I participate?

It’s never too late to join! To participate in the Summer Slim Down, take your free Dieter Profile on to learn which of our programs is right for you. Then, sign up for your 3-month subscription and get ready to achieve your victory! Get started today here:

Who should I contact?

You can absolutely succeed on your own using, but we encourage you to connect with your TLS Coach, who will be assigned upon subscription registration. Coaches are great for offering tips, tricks, and support.

If you and/or your team are participating in the Summer Slim Down, we’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact us at with any questions or comments you may have.

We want to hear all about your experience during the Summer Slim Down Challenge! Comment below and share with us the highs and lows of your challenge!
