Custom Cocktail – Your choice. Your cocktail.

I have been taking supplements since the young age of 12, the basic children’s multivitamin, calcium and the occasional vitamin C when I felt a cold coming on. Now that I’m older, I have become more health conscious and prefer to take a natural approach rather than running to the doctor for something as small as a simple cough.

My cabinet is packed full of supplements, including a while array of Isotonix products, both mine and my boyfriend’s. So every time we open the cabinet, two to three bottles fall out at our face. Now before I started here at Market America, I would say to myself, I wish they could invent one supplement or pill that would have everything in it what we needed. If you think about it, the pill would be the size of a bus! There is a solution to that; it’s called Isotonix® Custom Cocktail.

Isotonix Custom Cocktail is simple, fast and convenient because you chose what Isotonix products you want and how many shots of each. Once you have ordered your custom cocktail, your personal blend is delivered in one convenient canister. It’s uncomplicated and time-efficient means to get exactly what you want in the convenience of one mixture.

What I love so much about the Isotonix Custom Cocktail is that you get to pick from ten Isotonix products and the amounts. You can choose all ten if you want. The selection summary includes Isotonix Multivitamin, Isotonix Antioxidant, Isotonix Multimineral, Isotonix Advanced B-Complex, Isotonix Vitamin C, Isotonix OPC-3®, Isotonix Coenzyme Q10, Isotonix Maximum Orac, Isotonix Vision Formula and Isotonix Calcium Plus. Another beneficial tool of the custom cocktail is Nutrition Guard. It’s like having your own nutritionist assisting you with your % daily values. Also, it’s always working in the background to alert you of any adjustments that needs to be made to your custom cocktail.

It’s your choice, your cocktail. It’s simple, fast and convenient. You choose what you want and how many you want. Order your custom cocktail today and enjoy the benefits of taking Isotonix that is made just for YOU.