Favorite Health and Nutrition products

Like most of you, I’m a product of our products. Almost every morning begins with an Isotonix® cocktail (even before my first cuppa, which is unheard of in my household. Foolish is he or she who tries to talk to me before coffee!) and my colleagues frequently chuckle at the constantly-replenished stash of Transitions™ meals (as well as bottles of Omega III and Glucosatrin™) that are always handy at my desk.

So I’m just curious to know what YOUR Health and Nutrition routine consists of? Do you have a particular preferred cocktail blend? (personally, I like the flavor of Acai mixed with the multivitamin, b-complex, multimineral and/or complete greens, but try to rotate in all the others, too) Have you “mixed and matched” any others with great success?

There’s no real corporate agenda here; I’m just looking for a few good ideas to help me switch up my routine and try all the great Health and Nutrition products we have here at Market America. Please feel free to include your suggestions in the comment section below – thanks!
