Isotonix Prenatal Multi-vitamin!

One of the newest nutraMetrix® products is the nutraMetrix® Isotonix Prenatal Multi-Vitamin. This isotonic-capable supplement supplies the Recommended Daily Allowance of many key vitamins and nutrients needed for an expectant mother. Isotonix® superior delivery and rapid absorption ensure you get the necessary vitamins and minerals for the normal growth and development of your baby and for a healthy pregnancy. Many pregnant women have trouble taking vitamins due to nausea and morning sickness, but with the Isotonix Prenatal Multi-vitamin, women don’t have to worry about swallowing pills! The isotonic formula allows for quick and complete absorption so you can be sure you are getting everything that your growing baby needs!
Even if you aren’t pregnant, the Isotonix Prenatal Multi-vitamin is a great product to add to your supplement regimen. Since brain and spine development of a fetus occurs early in pregnancy, often before a woman even knows she is pregnant, it is very important that women of childbearing age are taking a multi-vitamin even if they aren’t planning to have a baby. The Isotonix Prenatal Multi-vitamin provides vitamins and minerals essential for health and development and many of these vitamins, especially vitamin E, are great for supporting healthy hair, skin, and nails!
I’d love to hear from some expectant mothers about how this great new product is working for you! Even if you aren’t expecting, let me know what you think!
