National Fitness and Sports Month is Right On Time

May is National Fitness and Sports Month, and it turns out this is a good thing for even more reasons than we listed in our first posting. When it comes to getting into a fitness groove, this is exactly the time of year that can help you find your rhythm.

Despite the time-honored tradition, it turns out that resolution-crazed January is actually one of the worst times to start up any kind of fitness routine–the fact is that short days can knock levels of serotonin out of whack, causing food cravings, while lower temperatures tend to keep people indoors and sedentary.

On the other hand, according to experts, one of the best times to get and stay fit is in May, because the days are very long, which makes energy levels go up and food cravings go down. People in general have a tendency to eat less and stay more active during this  month, and with less effort because their natural rhythms and the outside weather are both on their side. Why not go with the flow?

If you haven’t had any exercise lately, now is the time to start. If you already have a routine in place, good for you–this month may just be the time to turn it up a notch.

Remember: it’s a road, not a destination.

March to your own drummer, but be sure to keep on moving!
