Opuvita highlights Friday night at MAIC2012

While many danced the night away at last night’s Gala, a couple thousand more filtered in to hear from the Market America Product Management Team about some of the great new products launched at 2012 International Convention.

And, little did they know, some walked away holding one of the most coveted new product launches to date: Opuvita.

Throughout the great presentations from Eddie Riddle, International Products Supervisor, and Elizabeth Benton, US Health & Nutrition Supervisor, Benton awarded four lucky attendees with a sampling of this all-natural fusion that promotes overall wellness from head to toe.

MAIC2012 breakout attendees clamor for Opuvita
Who wants some Opuvita? All these people
Lucky attendee gets Opuvita Superfruit Fusion
A lucky Opuvita winner!

Are you looking for some Opuvita? While it will be available soon for purchase, you can still get your tastebuds on this amazing product this weekend! Those who attend the Market America Tradeshow this Sunday will be given the opportunity to sample this great new product.

But you better get there early, because we can guarantee it won’t last long!

For more information on the great new products launched at Market America 2012 International Convention, including Opuvita, head over to the Isotonix Blog.

Are you excited about Opuvita?
