Prep your pet for the coming summer months!

The days are longer; it’s starting to get hot… which means that summer is fast approaching! Summer can be a fun time for your pet – and for you too! Make sure you prep your pet for the coming summer months. Here are just a few ways to keep them healthy this summer:

Hopefully, your pets will be getting more exercise this summer, so make sure to give your pets their PetHealth™ OPC (code: 5602) every day to maintain healthy joints and keep their free radical defenses at their peak.

Good nutrition starts with a healthy diet, so make sure you feed your pets a consistent, well-balanced diet. PetHealth Multivitamin Formulas (for dogs code: 5606 and for cats, code: 5608) provide key vitamins and minerals to assist their bodies to work, grow and develop properly.

Hot pavement can wreak havoc on their pad and paws, so be sure to have some PetHealth Pad & Paw Balm (code: 5616) at the ready. It’s specially formulated for rough, dry and cracked paws, with jojoba oil, sweet almond seed oil and sunflower seed oil to help soothe and protect.

Your pet’s ear canal can become built up with dirt, wax and debris, which can contribute to that annoying head shaking and scratching. Keep your pet’s ears clean with the PetHealth Ear Wash (code: 5618), specially formulated to gently cleanse and moisturize the ear canal, without drying or irritating the ear.

If your dog is spending a lot of time outside, chances are good they’re gonna get pretty dirty. PetHealth Hypoallergenic Shampoo (code: 5612) and PetHealth Medicated Shampoo (code: 5614) are the perfect remedies for a filthy dog. PetHealth shampoos are specially formulated to help the skin maintain its natural moisture barrier: the Hypoallergenic Shampoo moisturizes and conditions the skin and coat with honey, aloe, oatmeal and lavender, while the Medicated Shampoo eases flaking and itching from dry skin, and is perfect for problematic areas of the skin.

Finally, a word on those pesky insects. Mosquitoes can pose a serious problem for pets – heartworms. Mosquito Magic® Wipes (one of our partner stores; on the home page click on “Home & Garden” > “Insect Repellents”) are a great tool to have around, especially if you are going away on vacation, playing by the pool or just walking around the park. Mosquito Magic Wipes are safe for you and your pets, helping to keep the mosquitoes at bay.
