Product Spotlight: NutriClean® Probiotics

Did you know that your digestive tract is home to over 400 different types of microbes? These microbes include healthy bacteria called probiotics, and potentially unhealthy bacteria. With all those different types of bacteria, finding the best way to maintain optimal digestive health can be daunting.

When choosing a probiotic supplement, it’s important to select a product that provides your body with numerous strains of probiotics. While many products on the market deliver a high total probiotic count, they are only coming from one or two strains. We developed NutriClean® Probiotics to deliver comprehensive support by providing the body with 10 different strains of probiotics with patented LiveBac® and Bio-tract® technologies. Each strain has a unique purpose and work together to support everything from immune health to digestive regularity.

Rather than listing each probiotic individually and bogging you down with hard-to-pronounce names like Lactobacillus plantarum, let’s talk about how these hand-picked probiotic strains benefit you. Probiotics are probably best known for promoting good digestive health and bowel regularity. NutriClean® contains several strains that have been shown to do all that plus promote overall digestive comfort. And let’s be honest: there’s nothing worse than being an on-the-go entrepreneur who suffers from the discomfort resulting from an occasional irregular digestive tract.

In addition to promoting good digestive health, NutriClean® includes probiotic strains that play a major role in supporting your metabolism and immune system, while at the same time reducing potentially unhealthy bacteria that are naturally present in the body. Your body is a bacteria battlefield; NutriClean® can give you the support you need to stay healthy and win the fight for digestive health!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
