Product Spotlight: TLS® Find Your Fit Kit

Spring time is officially here, so it is only a matter of weeks before you starting digging out those bathing suits! Are you ready? We are currently in the middle of the latest TLS® Find Your Fit Challenge, in which several contestants melt away pounds with their eyes on a cash prize and a healthier lifestyle. With the TLS Find Your Fit Kit available on SHOP.COM, however, there’s no reason you can’t catch the fire too!

Here are the top three reasons the TLS Find Your Fit Kit is the best way to get your beach bod:

It does the hard part for you. The hardest part when it comes to kick starting weight loss is knowing where to begin – what products work best, what types of supplement you should be taking, figuring out the real secret to weight loss. The Find Your Fit Kit has everything you need – TLS CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor, Isotonix® Multivitamin, and the TLS Find Your Fit shakes!

Advanced technology. The TLS Core Fat & Carb Inhibitor is designed to promote weight loss by connecting directly to the metabolic system. TLS CORE supports leptin sensitivity, which may help to manage hunger and stimulate lipolysis, promotes reduction in body mass index (BMI), inhibits the amylase enzyme and slows the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, and helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.*

It’s profitable! Lose while you gain! For starters, buying the kit saves you a full 25% on the products! Not to mention… added BV! Using the TLS Find Your Fit Kit is the best way for you to take care of your health, look great, feel great, and continue to build! Taking on a weight loss challenge can be difficult on your own, so even if you’re not in the FYF Challenge, you can get your team together to tackle your own set of goals! Earn BV by using and selling the kit and make business building look good!

The TLS Find Your Fit Kit is a great gift to the weight loss world, especially for the UnFranchise® Owner! Get with your team and make a plan! We’d love to hear about your journey and your results, so make sure you come back to this post and let us know!
