Product Symposium 2008

Product Symposium 2008 is just around the corner: November 7-9 in Dallas TX. This year we will build on last year’s successful event, which was attended by nearly 700 Customer Managers and UnFranchise® Owners. Taught by our product managers, vendors and other corporate speakers, you will discover the science behind some of our newest products and how to market them to your clients.

Sessions include:

“Family Health”- Learn about the exciting new Might-A-Mins® Spectrum line- formulated for children and especially for those children who need metabolic, neurological or digestive support. A discussion of our new Isotonix® Prenatal Multivitamin, Prime™ Time for Women and Prime™ Time for Men will complete this session.

“Detoxify, Purify and Protect”- Discover the science behind our new Curcumin Extreme™ and what makes this product unique. Learn about The NutriClean® System- when to use it and who it benefits. Understand the power of Aloe.

“Customized Nutrition”- Learn the science behind the new gene snps, and how to use gene snp testing and customized supplementation to add a unique service and value for your clients. Review the NutriPhysical®, how to order Custom Cocktail and how our Nutrition Guard makes ordering the Custom Cocktail easy and safe.

“Transitions” – Learn how the Transitions™ supplements work, as well as when and how to recommend them. Discover how to start a Transitions group and how to build your MA business with Transitions.

Additional sessions include: “Ecofriendly Environment”- new products from MA that are “green”, “Motives® Made Simple” and “The Science of Skinceuticals”

We look forward to seeing many of you this November in Dallas TX. And yes, I will do my “traditional” Product Symposium dance on stage.
