Many people try a lot of different supplements in their lifetime. It could just be a new fad that they saw on an infomercial early on a Sunday morning or a best friend who is raving about a new product they read about in a magazine. People will spend a lot of money on something they saw advertised just because they were easily persuaded by the marketing ideas. The key is actually getting someone to try a product and stick with it without giving up after the first month of taking it. But there are some supplements currently on the market that have been backed up by numerous studies to give people a sense that it actually works.
One of my favorite supplements that I have taken for years was calcium. I can remember my mother telling me, “If I only knew then what I knew now is how important calcium is.” Calcium supports skeletal health and healthy teeth and gums. Also, many studies suggest that taking a calcium supplement regularly can help prevent osteoporosis. The daily recommended allowance for calcium for men and women ages 19 – 50 years is 1000 mg and 1200 mg for those over the age of 51. Usually, diet just isn’t enough – you can eat a container of yogurt a day and also drink a glass of milk, but it just isn’t enough calcium.