Register for the TLS® Find Your Fit Challenge Today!

Are you ready to FIND YOUR FIT? We’ve had two amazing, successful TLS® Find Your Fit Challenges and it seems only fitting that we’d introduce a new one for the new year! This time, we’re pulling out all the stops and giving away $75,000 in cash prizes! 

We are incredibly proud of all of the contestants who participated in the last challenge and we’re excited to see what progress YOU can make in the new challenge to reach your health and fitness goals! With the help of great coaches, TLS® products, and your own willpower and determination, we know you’ll be seeing incredible results at the end of the 12 week challenge period.

Prizes for the Spring 2013 Challenge are as follows:

Group Challenge (2-10 people) 1st Place: $50,000 USD
—Coaches Prize: $2,000 USD

Individual Challenge 1st Place: $15,000 USD
—Coaches Prize: $1,000 USD

Individual Challenge 2nd Place: $5,000 USD

Individual Challenge 3rd Place: $2,000 USD

If you’re ready to rise to the challenge and Find Your Fit, click HERE to read rules & regulations and to enter! Early registration ends on February 7th, so hurry to save $5 before regular registration begins on February 8th!

The Spring 2013 challenge will run from March 1, 2013 – May 24, 2013. Winners will be announced at International Convention in August. We can’t wait to hear your success stories! Good luck!

