Shake It Up for National Fitness Month!

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, add a little muscle, or just improve overall health, the four corners of fitness are:

  1. Yourself
  2. Regular Exercise
  3. Good Nutrition
  4. Proper Supplementation

Nothing more is needed, but none of these should be missing, either, and there really aren’t any substitutes. For example, while exercise does form one of these cornerstones, it is simply not possible to out-exercise a poor diet, and most people eventually find that nutritional supplementation is necessary for dietary support, while also aiding in the preparation for workouts and the recovery afterward. Both elements, working together, are what will bring the fastest results.

A key part of any solid nutrition and supplementation program is, in the opinion of many trainers and nutritionists, a quality protein shake. They are quick and easy to make, portable, and any worthwhile brand will contain not only protein, but also a fair amount of fiber–two nutritional components crucial for success, but which are often neglected. For these reasons, most anyone looking for real results will find a shake or two a day to be a welcome asset, and a real time-saver too.

They are definitely recommended for the times surrounding your workout–when we’re most in need of nutrients, but least likely to cook–but can take the place of any meal you don’t happen to have time to prepare (breakfast shakes are also very popular).

Hopefully, during National Fitness Month, we’ve all been looking to step things up a little, and shaking it up is one of the best ways to do it! As a parting enticement, you can find some great recipes here.
