Slowing the Aging Process with Exercise

What exercise do you find yourself doing regularly? Weightlifting, swimming, jogging, pilates or yoga? Some sort of cardiovascular activity is great for anyone at any age. I stumbled across this article on WebMD and found it to be pretty interesting. Studies have shown that regular running helps to slow the effects of aging according to a new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine that tracked 500 older runners for more than 20 years. If you think you could use an extra boost during your prime years along with your daily walk or run, what better way to help out a little bit than with Anti-Aging than with Market America’s Anti-Aging products. Here is just a taste of what we have to offer.

Isotonix® Vision Formula with Lutein
Keep your vision healthy and see the finer things in life with Isotonix Vision Formula with Lutein. What makes this product so awesome is that it is an isotonic-capable dietary supplement combining vitamins and minerals with lutein, quercetin, eyebright, zeaxanthin and bilberry, designed to promote healthy vision throughout the aging process. See the future by taking Isotonix Vision Formula today!

Prime™ Time Performance Formula for Men
Give your woman the time of her life! Given the combination of aging and stresses of modern life, men often experience a decrease in sexual desire, stamina and performance. Well Prime Time is the solution. Prime Time works via several mechanisms to support healthy male libido and support healthy sexual function. The ingredients have been shown to help the body maintain normal levels of testosterone (libido), epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine (energy), and nitric oxide (erectile quality). Keep your woman happy and on her toes with Prime Time Performance for Men.

Prime™ Time Female Libido Formula
Women, don’t worry, we have something for you as well. Want to feel like you are 25 again? Then Prime Time Female Libido Formula is your answer. Exhaustion from work, taking care of children, stress (emotional or physical) and even medications can cause a low libido in women. Prime Time Female Libido Formula recognizes all aspects of a woman’s libido. It supports healthy female libido (sexual interest and desire), promotes normal sexual arousal and intensity, enhances sexual interest, promotes normal sexual climax and may help promote normal vaginal wetness. Experience the intimacy you’ve been looking for with Prime Time Female Libido Formula.

Prime™ Balance Bone Maintenance Formula
Pop, crack. That’s the sound of your joints as you get older. It could even be osteoporosis if you are a post-menopausal women and an older man. If that’s the case, then Prime Balance is just for you. Balance is designed to help prevent osteoporosis, support calcium absorption and retention, maintain bone density and support normal mineralization and bone formation. This product is also one of the first on the market to combine both Bonestein and calcium to provide an exceptional bone supplement. Prevent those bones from breaking or cracking later on in life with Prime Balance.

Prime™ Factor for Men
Come on, all men want to enjoy feeling like a young buck, regardless of age. But as men age, their biology takes at a toll on them. In order to maintain a more youthful metabolic rate, Prime Factor packs a powerful blend of vitamins, minerals, pro-hormones (chemical messengers that stimulate metabolic activity) and herbs that help stimulate the production of cytokines and create a balanced intracellular environment. Human growth factors play a critical role in delaying the aging process because of their modulating effect on metabolism. This unique formulation provides a potent set of anti-aging properties with the objective of replacing what the aging process takes away.

Prime™ Factor for Women — Human Growth Factor Formula
But wait, women, there is hope to feel like a spring chicken again! Well Prime Factor for Women is for you! Prime Factor for Women has been designed to foster the natural release of female-oriented hormones that decline during the aging process so that the body’s metabolism can be gently pushed toward a more youthful state. Ingredients such as tribulus terrestris and wild yam extract, which have long been used in China and Europe to help support, balance and optimize female hormonal function, specifically target several key biological areas in women that are vulnerable to age-related changes.

Prime™ Hearing
What? Huh? Do, what, huh? Do you find yourself saying this from time to time when people are talking to you? Do you want to be able to hear the music again? Well Prime Hearing is for you! Prime Hearing is a proprietary formulation of green tea extract, vinpocetin, folinic acid, magnesium and zinc, designed to promote ear health. Prime Hearing helps to maintain nerve health and functions, helps to promote the health and retention of auditory cells, may help to maintain hearing as we age, may help to clarify auditory sounds or noises, promotes circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients to cells, and promotes the health and retention of auditory cells. Your quality of life can be affected by many stressors from the environment.
