Supplements and your pet

A supplement is designed to be added to the diet on a regular basis to make up for any deficiencies, improve the overall health and vitality of pets or to aid in targeting a specific health issue. Not all pets need a supplement – to determine if a supplement would be beneficial consider the following: Are eating a high quality pet food? Do they have a soft shiny coat? Do they have healthy skin? Do they adapt well to stress? Do they have normal energy levels? Pets that obtain adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals through a proper diet and supplementation, if needed, tend to have a healthier coat, normal energy levels, a stronger ability to adapt to stress and stressful situations and improved overall health and well-being.

Key vitamins and minerals are essential to maintain optimal health in your pet. Some key factors that effect a dog or cat’s ability to absorb nutrients from food includes age, activity level, environment, genetics and breed. High quality pet foods are able to meet the majority of your pet’s nutritional needs, but because of the unique nutritional requirements of cats and dogs, even high quality pet foods cannot fulfill all of the unique nutritional requirements of every individual pet. Supplementing your pet’s food can help bridge the nutritional gap between what dogs and cats need at every stage in their life and what they actually obtain and absorb from their diet.

PetHealth™ Supplements are manufactured in FDA-inspected facilities using Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) – the same manufacturing standard used for human dietary supplements. This ensures that there is no contamination from heavy metals, pesticides or other toxins. Raw materials are quarantined, tested and inspected before use. Blending, tableting and bottling rooms are separated and use a filtered air environment to prevent cross-contamination of products. Equipment is meticulously cleaned after use to check microbial growth and prevent traces of ingredients from contaminating subsequent batches. All of the ingredients used in PetHealth Supplements are certified for purity and potency, assuring your pet receives the promised nutritional benefits of every serving.

To ensure the health and vitality of your pets, Market America offers:

PetHealth™ Multivitamin Formula for Dogs and PetHealth™ Multivitamin Formula for Cats:
• Promotes healthy skin & coat
• Promotes healthy growth and repair of body tissues
• Promotes strong bones & teeth
• Provides antioxidant support
• Provides protection from free radicals
• Supports the immune system
• Promotes digestive health
• Helps support vision and eye health
• Promotes normal energy levels
• Supports the nervous system
• Supports healthy muscle function

PetHealth™ Cardiovascular Formula for Dogs:
• Helps maintain heart muscle strength
• Helps to protect the heart from free radicals
• Promotes cardiovascular health
• Helps maintain normal blood flow and pressure
• Supports normal cellular energy production
• Promotes normal ATP production and supports muscle endurance

PetHealth™ OPC Formula with Glucosamine for Dogs & Cats:
• Combats free radicals
• Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
• Helps maintain healthy circulation
• Helps maintain joint flexibility
• Helps promote cardiovascular health
• Helps support visual health and visual acuity
• Potent free radical scavenger
• Maintains healthy blood vessel dilation
• Maintains healthy nitric oxide levels
• Supports healthy blood glucose levels
• Supports healthy platelet activity
• Contains glucosamine for joint health and joint comfort

Take your pet’s health in your hands today with PetHealth™ – Advanced Pet Car Solutions for Optimal Health!
