The Joys of Aging, har

I don’t know if you guys share my penchant for an occasional overindulgence, but when I do it usually takes the form of this. And because I like a little kick with my meals, I usually ask for these.

My friends, this was a recipe for disaster. For starters, I’m not fifteen anymore and no longer enjoy the metabolism of my youth. (man, those were the good ol’ days) I’m an aging ex-athlete who needs to make sure he doesn’t get any bigger. Needless to say, I shouldn’t be ordering anything that has “Giant” in its name no matter what. Much less one with extra jalapenos.

But wait, there’s one more stupid thing! Did I mention it was the only meal I had yesterday? Yes, good decisions all around, thank you. Other than scarfing down a breakfast bar first thing in the morning, I skipped lunch and waited until about 4 o’clock to eat (when I was already famished and ready to self destruct).

Yes, a boneheaded dietary triple play. (I’m waiting for one of our Transitions™ gurus to come over here and give me a scolding; it’s only a matter of time.)

Naturally, I began to feel miserable immediately after my meal. Not sure if it was simply my stomach getting upset from the peppers, or the onset of another deadly sin that comes from eating too much (or both, natch), but I was pretty unhappy and knew I would be in trouble unless I took corrective action.

Desperate, I took a capful of this.

Folks, I’m a bit of a skeptic and tend to only be persuaded by personal experience. And suffice it to say, I’m now a believer.

Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics has now skyrocketed to the top of my shortlist of favorite products (along with Glucosatrin® and a few others I’ll share in a later post). I really shouldn’t be surprised, because our products are pretty outstanding, but there’s no testimonial more powerful than firsthand success.

