The SuperMom Workout


Being a mom is a tough job. All my time is spent doing things for my child, my husband, or other people. I’m always forgetting to take care of myself so this year my #1 New Year’s resolution is to have some personal time, and losing those last few baby pounds is my top priority. Up to this point though, I haven’t had any time to work out and I’m dreading getting into a bathing suit this summer!Thankfully this morning I was reading the may issue of Baby Talk and found some wonderful workout tips that I plan to try. They are perfect for mothers with infants who have no time for the gym, so I decided to share some of them with you.
1. Front-carrier squats – Stand with your baby in a front carrier, feet just past your shoulders and toes turned slightly out. Inhale and lower your body down to sit in an imaginary chair. Pull your navel in and point your tailbone to the floor. Exhale and return to the start position. Aim for three sets of 12.
2. Stroller lounges – Put your baby on the stroller and face him/her. Put your left foot back behind you and your right foot out in front. Bend your legs until your right thigh is parallel with the floor and your left is almost touching the ground. Blow a kiss to your baby or make a silly face to make them laugh. Then slowly return to a standing position. Aim for three sets of 12.

The rest of the workout can be found in the may issue of Baby Talk.

If you like these ideas and are in need of baby carriers, strollers, and other baby gear go to Market America’s Kids & Baby category where you can find all of these products and many more.
