The Wonders of Water

Water makes up more than half your total body weight, and every function and system depends on it. But do we really need so much? According to the Institute of Medicine men and women need between 11-15 cups of water a day and those amounts do include the water you receive from water contained in foods and beverages. If you are not drinking enough water you are not functioning your at normal standards (both mentally and physically).

Four of the common health complaints are:
1. Lack of energy
2. Tension headaches
3. Skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema
4. Lift brain “fog”

Lack of energy
Ever feel like your energy throughout the day decreases? Instead of pouring another cup of coffee think about drinking a few glasses of water! Your body needs water to produce energy and without the adequate amount, the water loss creates a large drop in energy levels.

Tension headaches
Tired of those headaches that won’t go away? Dr. Wayne Anderson author of Dr. A’s Habits of Health stated that headaches are the direct result of dehydration. Therefore, due to the large chance of being dehydrated, drink that glass a water first to see if it eases the pain instead of taking an Ibuprofen.

Skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema
Embarrassed of your skin? The International Eczema and Psoriasis Foundation states that, “As our body’s largest organ, the skin is also the first to react to changes that affects our skin and our entire body”. Keeping your skin from getting dry it decreases your chance for a psoriasis and eczema flare. Therefore, it is very important to keep your body balance by staying hydrated!

Lift brain fog
Brain fog is something we all face. Are you ever at work and feel like you can’t think or concentrate? To address the issue it is very important to drink plenty of water because you won’t be able to function mentally. Dr. Sasson E. Moulavi says that when you don’t meet your daily hydration needs, you don’t function as well mentally since your brain is 85 percent water and is responsive to changes in water levels.

Overall, it is very necessary for you to drink the appropriate amounts of water to help you function both physically and mentally. Drink the required amount because it is only beneficial for you!
